Monday 2 March 2009

F5M Millionaires Club Future Plans, Part 2

Late last night John Kielec sent out an update about the back-up opportunity that he had in mind when he first developed F5M-Millionaires Club, to provide extra cash security for all members in the F5M-MC. Here is the link for you to learn more:

As always, he asked for members comments and opinions which are beginning to flood my email box today.

Today I will share what other F5M-MC members are saying about the new 2 X 2 F5M-MC Inside Feeder that he is thinking to implement into the club as a back-up opportunity.

He is getting lots of positive comments, and many are joining under their sponsor. However, before he decides to go forward with anything and make final addition to F5M-MC. I he will examine and examine and examine and ask the opinions of other Network Professionals, so has their opinion as well.

F5M-MC members have to come FIRST. He is looking to implement a back-up program for F5M-MC but it has to meet these criteria:

1. It has to be something that will last for years. To have reliability and stability for long term income potential. Wr do not want fly by night opportunity where the top earners make all the money and then the opportunity is gone. There are thousands of those that come and go, 90% of people who join those, they get hurt by those programs and lose money.

2. Having listened in the past to all members many people out there are not in favor of opportunities that require monthly fees. We have great success with F5M-Wealth System (WTIA) because does not require monthly operational costs or payments. People these days are staying away from these type of opportunities. He received many emails in the past, and still do, from members saying they hate programs with monthly fees.

3. To develop something that will be affordable and profitable for all where not only the top earns money but the middle and lower section of the structure or even those who just join. A plan that will allow those who are earning good income, they will have to share some of those profits with members who are not so successful but it must be profitable for both. He has an idea already about something like that but is still working on details how to set everything up.

Based on the three methods described above may take some time but will be done.

After re-examining everything and talking to so many members this morning, reading all the replies it only makes sense for me to hold off with that new 2 X 2 program. Those who have joined, it did not cost them any money and that's good. F5m MC admin will not follow up and go ahead with that program.

= = = OTHER NEWS = = =

We are still working with issues concerning our server. No news about that yet. Followed by the update sent out yesterday about the "Final Fix to Server", some are reporting sites are uploading. I believe Rick has made some contacts about other servers, I have not talked to Rick yet.

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